
Choosing the Right Colours to Match with Oak Furniture

what colour goes with oak furniture

Oak furniture is known for its natural elegance and durability, making it a popular choice for homes. Yet, choosing the right colours to complement your oak furniture can be a creative challenge.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of colour pairing, exploring a range of hues and shades that harmonize seamlessly with oak, whether you’re seeking a classic, modern, or eclectic look for your living space.

Join us on a journey to discover the perfect colour palette to enhance your oak furniture and transform your home into a sanctuary of style and warmth.

What Colour is Oak Wood?

Oak wood is known for its distinctive and warm colour palette. Typically, oak boasts a range of hues, from light golden and honeyed tones to deeper, reddish-brown shades.

The exact colour of oak can vary based on the specific species and the wood’s age, but it consistently exudes a sense of natural richness.

This versatile wood often contains prominent grain patterns, further enhancing its character and making it a popular choice for furniture, flooring, and interior accents, offering a blend of both beauty and durability.

What colours go with oak?

Pairing colours with oak can be a delightful creative process. Oak’s warm and versatile aesthetic makes it a perfect companion for a wide range of hues.

Neutral Colours:

neutral colours that match with oak

Neutral colours such as soft whites, beige, and light gray complement oak beautifully. They enhance the wood’s warm undertones, creating an inviting and timeless look. These subtle shades allow the oak’s natural grain and texture to shine through, making it an excellent choice for a classic and tranquil interior.

Natural Tones

natural colours that match with oak

Earthy and natural tones like sage green, forest green, and muted blues harmonize seamlessly with oak. They evoke a sense of the outdoors, connecting your interior to the natural world. These colours infuse warmth and tranquility into your space, creating a cosy and refreshing atmosphere

Bold, Rich Tones:

rich bold colours that match with oak

Oak also pairs well with bold, rich colours like deep reds, navy blue, and dark green. These hues offer a striking contrast against the warm oak, creating a sense of sophistication and drama. By incorporating these bolder tones in accents, upholstery, or decor, you can add depth and character to your space, achieving a more eclectic and vibrant look.

What colour floor goes with oak furniture?

When it comes to selecting flooring to harmonize with your oak furniture, a world of options awaits. Carpeting is a popular choice, and the colours mentioned above all offer excellent compatibility. However, if you’re looking to introduce depth and texture into your space, consider embracing natural materials that beautifully complement your oak furniture.

1. Wooden Floors

Wooden floors are a versatile and timeless option, particularly in living rooms or bedrooms. Placing your oak furniture on wooden floors creates a harmonious blend of wood tones.

To safeguard your floors from potential scratches, consider using furniture feet protectors, ensuring your space remains both stylish and functional.

2. Tile and Stone

For those seeking alternatives to wood or carpet, tile and stone provide a stunning contrast with oak furniture, making them ideal choices for kitchens and bathrooms.

Consider sandstone or limestone to match the natural oak hues, or opt for a more dramatic effect with contrasting shades like granite, slate, or marble. These options elevate your space while maintaining a strong and sophisticated connection with your oak furniture.

What colours should you avoid?

While oak furniture offers versatility in colour pairing, there are certain shades to approach with caution. Overly cool or stark colours, such as neon or vivid purples and blues, may clash with oak’s warm and earthy tones.

neon colours

Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid excessively dark wall colours, which might overwhelm the room and create a sense of heaviness. Striking the right balance is key; opting for a neutral or complementary palette can help maintain the harmonious and inviting atmosphere that oak furniture often brings to a space.